This manual is intended for CS-Cart users and describes the installation and configuration of the Mokka plugin. The plugin is compatible with CS-Cart versions from 4.3.6, supporting PHP7.0, up to 4.13.1.
To install the Mokka plugin for CS-Cart:
1. Download the Mokka module for CS-Cart from the link.
2. Access the admin interface of your site.
3. Go to the "Add-ons" section and select "Downloaded add-ons".
4. Click the "Settings" button and “Manual installation” to add a new module.
5. Click “Local”, choose the Mokka plugin file in the the file browser and click "Upload & install".
Creating a Payment Method
To create a Mokka payment method in CS-Cart:
1. Navigate to "Administration" -> "Payment methods".
2. Click the "+" button to create a new payment method.
3. In the processor field, select "Mokka – Prepayment".
4. Configure other settings as required, like description, surcharge, etc.
5. Save the changes.
Navigate to the “Settings” -> “Edit” section for the Mokka payment method:
1. Go to the "Configure" tab.
Store_id and Secret_key are provided by a Mokka employee.
BASE_URL (live): it is necessary to specify the base address for exchanges with Mokka.
BASE_URL (test): it is necessary to specify the test address for exchanges with Mokka.
URL to receive callbacks: at the address indicated in this field, Mokka will return the decision on the client.
Prefix for orders: necessary for quick sorting of orders made through the Mokka payment type, if required.
Test mode: activate only during the testing and debugging period. Remove when launching live.
Generate a fake error as a service response - enable ONLY if the module needs to ignore callback requests from the Mokka server.
2. Save the settings.
3. "Go to the “Add-ons” -> “Developers” -> “Mokka”
4. Next, click on the module name "Pay with Mokka".
5. Go to the "Settings" -> "General" tab.
Minimum order value: value is set following your contract.
Maximum number of months for the loan: value is set following your contract.
Minimum number of months for the loan: value is set following your contract.
Email for sending error event notifications: specify the email address where you want to receive error reports. An administrator can specify multiple email addresses using a semicolon ";" as a separator.
Password for scheduling command execution: a password for scheduling command execution to detect orders in 'Failed' status. For example, if you enter 'MY_PASSWORD' in the field, the command to display orders will look like this example:
php /srv/projects/ /current/rnurislamov/mokka/admin.php --dispatch=mokka.cron --cron_password=MY_PASSWORD"
6. Go to the 'Statuses' tab.
Successful order status is applied to an order after a positive response from the payment system. The order has been made but is not yet finalized.
Unsuccessful order status is applied to an order after a negative response from the payment system.
Cancelled order status: the status of an order that sends information about the cancellation of the order to the Mokka service.
Completed order status: the status of an order at which information about the finalization of the order will be sent to the Mokka service. Usually, this is the status that is set after the order has been shipped or delivered to the customer.
7. Navigate to the "Appearance" tab.
Block ID with a hint: the ID of the block with a tooltip displayed when clicking on the corresponding icon of the widget (Leave the default value).
Widget display template: this setting allows you to choose the display template of the Mokka service widget on the product detail page and the product preview. You can select a suitable format for the appearance of the price widget.
Show widget: this setting determines where exactly to show the widget (it is recommended to set "Show widget on the product page and product preview" by the default), this will increase sales.
To translate the price widget into the language you need to navigate to "Administration" -> "Text & Languages" -> "Edit texts".
Type "mokka.widget_block" in the field "search for pattern".
Change the text into the language you need. The text in the price widget will be changed according to these blocks.
Marketing Communications
To promote Mokka on your website:
- Place Mokka banners on the homepage.
- Include the Mokka logo among the listed payment systems.
- Add a description for Mokka in the payment methods section.
Before going live, test the Mokka payment method:
- Create a cart and proceed to checkout.
- Select Mokka as the payment method and complete the order.
- Check if the order appears in the admin panel with the correct status.
- Test order completion and scenarios for cancellation/return.
After successful installation of the module and debugging on test data, activate the plugin so that the Mokka team can test its functionality and activate the service.
To activate, follow these instructions:
1. Go to the "Administration" menu -> "Payment Methods".
2. Select the payment method "Mokka"
3. On the 'Configure' tab, enter the API parameters.
- Uncheck the 'Test Mode'.
- Replace the 'Store ID' and 'Secret Key' with the ones provided by the Mokka team.
- Click 'Save'.
As a result, the payment method 'Mokka – Prepayment' will become available for visitors to your website.